minutes of GEn01 meeting (June 11, 2003)

From: Glen Warren (gwarren_at_anti-spam)
Date: 16-Jun-2003 22:05:28

GEn01 analysis meeting June 11, 2003

attended by:
   Donal, Paul, Oscar, Hongguo, Frank, Nikolai and Glen at JLab


*) Background: Ntuples have been generated, but Frank has no had the 
time to analyze them.  He is also redoing the Q2=0.5 background runs to 
have a consistent set of data.

*) Stick 3 dilution factor: simulations still in progress

*) Q2=0.5 fourth pass: 20 runs shy of being complete.  Had some problems 
with the latest system "upgrades".

*) HMS momentum: Glen reviewed the HMS field setting codes for 98 and 
01.  There are archived subdirectories in the cdaq account for 99 and 
01.  The codes in there give the settings used in 98 and 01, i.e. the 
code didn't change between 98 and 01.  As we didn't apply the momentum 
offset in the 98 analysis, both the 98 and 01 analysis are consistent 
with no dipole offset.

*) Target Polarization:  Paul tried to determine the stop and start 
times of runs with a completely different program.  Preliminary look at 
results does not show the spike in run times discussed last week. 
Before releasing a new version of the target polarization data, Paul is 
waiting for the Q2=0.5 pass to be complete to get some info from the 
sync filter.  He expects to be done by next week.

*) Rates for dilution factor uncertainties: There was a miscommunication 
about the ntuples.  They are available for use.

*) Pion production: Frank's analysis shows that the asymmetry around 
W=1.1 is less than 30% of the standard neutron asymmetry.  We will treat 
the pion production contamination as a dilution factor with a 30% 
uncertainty due to asymmetry and modeling issues.  Thus the correction 
is 0.44% +- 0.12%.

*) vertical misalignment: the idea was raised about possible vertical 
misalignment of the target, mostly the concern is the field polarization 
pointing out of plane.  The conclusion was that we have to rely on the 
surveyor's.  Donal will review the surveyors' reports.

*) Binning: There was a lot of discussion about binning and Glen's 
suggestions.  We agreed on the following:  1) the value for Gen will be 
extracted by looking at the acceptance averaged quantities, not looking 
at binning in a subset of data.  2) We will use the binning results to 
define a model dependence, details yet to be determined.  3) We will 
proceed with the usual kinematic uncertainties, looking at how things 
vary in theta,E,E',theta_t, and ypos.  This is best done in MC.

       *) work on paper.
       *) review surveyors reports are target alignment

       *) work on paper
       *) Discuss with Frank the approach to kinematic uncertainties.

       *) Give Hongguo rates are various target materials for Q2=1

       *) accidentals

       *) dilution factor for stick 3 using path lengths thru materials.
       *) kinematic uncertainties
       *) dilution factor uncertainties

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