minutes of GEn01 meeting (June 24, 2003)

From: Glen Warren (gwarren_at_anti-spam)
Date: 24-Jun-2003 17:18:55

GEn01 analysis meeting June 24, 2003

attended by:
     Oscar  at UVa
     Paul, Jim, Frank, Nikolai and Glen at JLab


*) Background: done.  See roughly 2% and 0.5% for Q2=0.5 and 1.0, 

*) CEX: Frank received answers from Marko.  Marko provides a relative 
corrected to the asymmetry, but he used old butcher results.  Frank is 
currently incorporating this info into Butcher.

*) target polarization: Paul needs to send new file to list.

*) paper: Glen has begin working on the paper.  He hopes to have a very 
rough draft version completed by next week.

*) Gmn: Glen dictated that we will use the average of the Kelly and 
Basel Gmn values, and make the uncertainties large enough to include the 
uncertainties from the Kelly model.

*) extraction uncertainties: The idea was raised to use calculate the 
theoretical AVed for each data point, instead of using the MC to do the 
average over the acceptance.  The conclusion was that the idea is good, 
but will have little impact on our results, so it is not worth pursuing 
at this time.

We agreed to drop the extraction uncertainties, because they are so much 
smaller than our other uncertainties.

*) Kinematic uncertainties: we agreed to include the kinematic 
uncertainties, and to evaluate them by looking at calculating 
derivatives for measurement based quantities, i.e. E, E', tht_e, tht_t 
and ypos.  The first four can be can in MC, but ypos should be done 
using the data because ypos in MC doesn't impact other variables 
directly.  The alternative is to do the shift in the data and see how 
the asymmetry changes.  Nikolai will undertake this campaign.  Frank 
reminded Nikolai to compare the syncfilter reports to make sure that the 
same parts of each runs get analyzed.

         *) work on paper.
         *) review surveyors reports are target alignment

         *) work on paper

         *) kinematic uncertainties for E,E',tht_e for both Q2

         *) kinematic uncertainties for ypos for both Q2

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