MACRO cmpmaps relative=0 * compares two sets of reconstruction maps * zone 2 2 GRAPHICS/MISC/CLR SET '*' OPTION '*' ZONE 1 1 SET YGTI 1.22 EXEC bluered 32 OPTION LINY OPTION LINX OPTION DATE OPTION ZFL1 dir1 = '//LUN1' READ dir1 'Enter first hbook-dir' dir2 = '//LUN2' READ dir2 'Enter second hbook-dir' IF [1] = 0 THEN plottitle = 'G?en!-RC Coeff.Comp."J# ' ELSE plottitle = 'G?en!-RC Coeff.Comp.(weighted)"J# ' ENDIF READ num1 'Enter theta [deg]' IF [num1] <> '' THEN plottitle = [plottitle]//' [q]='//[num1]//'^o!]' ENDIF READ num2 'Enter x [cm]' IF [num2] <> '' THEN plottitle = [plottitle]//' x='//[num2]//'cm' ENDIF READ num3 'Enter y [cm]' IF [num3] <> '' THEN plottitle = [plottitle]//' y='//[num3]//'cm' ENDIF TITLE [plottitle] * plot the matrix coeffs EXEC compmap [dir1]//'/10' [dir2]//'/10' [relative] PICTURE/PRINT READ conf 'Press CR (1= Ok to all)' EXEC compmap [dir1]//'/20' [dir2]//'/20' [relative] PICTURE/PRINT IF [conf]<>1 THEN READ conf 'Press CR' ENDIF EXEC compmap [dir1]//'/30' [dir2]//'/30' [relative] PICTURE/PRINT IF [conf]<>1 THEN READ conf 'Press CR' ENDIF EXEC compmap [dir1]//'/40' [dir2]//'/40' [relative] PICTURE/PRINT RETURN MACRO compmap id1 id2 relative=0 * compare maps IF $HEXIST(100) = 1 THEN H/DEL 100 ENDIF IF [relative] = 0 THEN H/OP/SUB [id1] [id2] 100 1. 1. ELSE IF $HEXIST(101) = 1 THEN H/DEL 101 ENDIF IF $HEXIST(102) = 1 THEN H/DEL 102 ENDIF H/OP/ADD [id1] [id2] 101 1. 1. H/OP/SUB [id1] [id2] 102 1. 1. H/OP/DIV 101 102 100 1. 1. ENDIF a = $HINFO(100,'max') b = $HINFO(100,'min') IF ([a] < -[b]) THEN a = -[b] ENDIF MIN 100 -[a] MAX 100 [a] HISTO/PLOT 100 COLZ RETURN MACRO bluered ncols=16 * create a palette from blue->white->red k = [ncols]*2+8 SET NCOL [k] PALETTE 1 k = 8+[ncols] COLOR [k] 1 1 1 DO i=1,[ncols] i1 = [k]-[i] i2 = [k]+[i] rb = (1-[i]/[ncols])*0.9 COLOR [i1] [rb] [rb] 1 COLOR [i2] 1 [rb] [rb] ENDDO RETURN