E-93026 Electronics dead-time

GEn01 Electronics Dead-time

June 25, 2002

The electronics dead-time is determined from an electronics circuit that replicates the electron trigger signal with different gate widths: 30ns, 60ns, 90ns and 120ns These signals are sent to scalers. From the scaler values one can extrapolate to 0ns gate width via a linear fit. The nominal gate width in the electronics circuit is 30ns. To quote the electronics dead-time one calculates the relative loss of counts from 0ns gate width to 30ns gate width.

The analysis was done for the Q2=0.5 and Q2=1 period, 2 runs each. For run 41001 and 41599 the 90ns gate was missing.


run number rate [Hz] counts 0ns (from fit) counts 30ns relative loss (0ns-30ns)/0ns
41001 1124 207115 207110 2.4e-5
41599 1180 1362110 1362071 2.9e-5
42827 382 1244940 1244924 1.3e-5
43021 390 1343050 1343029 1.6e-5

The electronics dead-time is lower than 5e-5. This is two orders of magnitude less than the measured physics asymmetry for neutrons and thus neglible.


Marko Zeier   Markus.Zeier@unibas.ch