This site provides a visual documententation of the Polarized Target Group's dilution refridgerator. More details of the dissasembly may be found in the lab notebook of the project.
The dilution refridgerator, which is divided into three sections, with the outer nose removed. These sections are (from left to right): the inner nose, the midsection, and the top.
The inner nose is composed of three pieces. The top segment of the inner nose has a clear plastic chamber inside of it.
The midsection of the inner nose,which has two prongs sticking out of the top. The hollow prong is part of a line (pointed to by arrow) running down the section into the next one. The wires are for sensors. Most of the wires go into the head of the other prong, while the remaining pair are taped inside to the top of the tube. There is a copper piece on the inside with grooves. A thin, reflective, metal sheet is on the top of the section.
The midsection of the refridgerator with the outer flange removed. The pictures above are taken from severald different angles to expose the various tubes and connections inside the coil.
The midsection with the outer cooling coils removed. Note the three pipes, which connect to the outer coils.
The outer coils sits around the midsection and is held in place by three supports extending down from the top flange.
The outer shell of the inner nose is soldered to a plate located at the middle of the refridgerator. The shell has a tube which is used to create a vacuum between the shell and its exterior. The tube passes through the plate by means of a hole (labelled vacuum) before connecting to the rest of the system.
Cooling system of the inner nose is made up of three pieces which sit around the a metal tube. These are held to each other by means of the various pipes and wires that run through them. The pieces are held in place by small metal supports from the bottom and a copper ring (which is welded to the surface of the tube) from the top. The groove on the bottom two pieces is to make space for the vacuum tube of the outer shell
The inner core of the dilution rerefridgeratorrator contains tubing, wiring, and some sensors. The top support connects to a flange at the tip of the rerefridgeratorrator. Note that some of the copper supports have small screws which serve to hold insulation in place.
Below are pictures of labeled components of the fridge.