USB serial converter, lots of long serial cables Target loading paraphernalia, large and small forceps, crucible tongs, large and small tweezers, 150 mm Stainless Steel Flat; Serrated Clamp, funnels, cuptop-funnel, strainers, styrofoam cups, wooden q-tips Need Vacuum system auxiliary connection for alternative smaller turbo connections Vacuum Valve for external connection and KF to hose for N2 gas and leak checking The MKS pressure sensor (main manometer) did not respond correctly, this needs fixing (not sure what the issue is) and a backup setup The MKS Main flow is too restrictive for the main pump out, this will have to be replaced The MKS Separator flow seems to not work when its tested inline (this maybe due to temperature limitations of the unit) The Run and/or Bypass valve has issues (maybe need replacing but could just be top seal) Shim control needs micro-controller compatible with LabView, and patched into Magnet VI (David is looking into this) Need backup high power EIO Need more ND3 Need Vacuum pressure monitor and turbo remote control/monitoring system Experiment Turbo System has still not been tested successfully (Finally have all components back at UVA now) Need cup stabilizers to hold cups in place, could be made out of Kel-F or aluminum if it could be optimized as a microwave reflector Cold NMR is untested, full switchable warm NMR is untested (may things to do on NMR and interface) Need either position sensitive gate valve or 60 l/hour backing pump Piping and swagelock for control as well as fridge back-fill automated controls (might need as backup annealing system) Need safety pop-off valve for the fridge, this could be automated but non-auto mechanical valves are more reliable for safety Dedicated Lake-shore for fridge, insert, and magnet (stick with ITM10), level monitor (stick with mercury iTC: could be iPS if use added cards) Transfer lines for initial cooldown tests, dedicated for project to leave at Fermilab Dedicated Computer systems and monitors for target subsystems Chiller monitoring systems (pumps, mirowave) Backups Needed: Need redundancy in He4 pressure measurement Need backup MKS connection cables and MKS controller unit EIP 588C (frequency counter) Microwave Mixer Unit Another backup EIO tube Another backup EIO power supply Need a couple of backup stepper motors and controllers for tubes Turbo system (Pfeiffer TMU 1001P CF-F) MKS flow MFC and MFM, MKS pressure, and level probe, (already have pressure control back-fill I think) Backup stepper motors for valve control Backup power supply for stepper motor valve control Backup separator control system when we figure out which one to use