E-93026 Analysis

E-93026 Analysis


Neutron detector calibrations
In this directory tools for the timing calibrations of the neutron detector can be found. Check the README file.

Raster vs TBPM/SEM calibration
In this directory some tools for the calibrations of the Slow raster ADC value vs the TBPM/SEM position can be found. Check the README file.

Data Processing

In this directory the most recent runlists can be found as well as scripts to produce them. Check the README file.

Farm Scripts
In this directory we have a collection of scripts that are useful to do mass replay on the farm. Check the README file.


Asymmetry calculation tools
In this directory tools for the calculation of yields and asymmetries from ntuples for different sets of cuts and a variety of kinematic variables can be found. Check the README file.

Asymmetry calculation
In a technical note (Postscript, HTML) the very general formalism for beam-target asymmetries is evaluated for real world situations like non constant polarizations and changing dilution facter.

A collection of scanned asymmetries for different kinematic variables.

Helicity pair studies
Asymmetries for a large number of helicity pairs were calculated. Statistical tests were done to check for nonstatistical behaviour of the distribution. A spectral analysis was performed, doing a Fourier transformation to check for hidden frequencies.

The second documents is a study of beam current asymmetries in the experiment. Looking at the distribution for helicity pairs it concludes that the behaviour is statistical and answers the question how much time is needed to measure the beam current asymmetry with a desired accuracy.


Electronics Dead-time
Electronics deadtime was caused by a specific part of the neutron detector electronics. It was recognized at the end of the experiment. A post-experiment simulation was done right after the experiment and later a report was written analyzing the effect and its impact on asymmetries more detailed and calculating a correction factor that can be applied to the data.


Loose collection of showplots

Marko Zeier   Markus.Zeier@unibas.ch